An Extrapolation Formula for Forecasting Little-probability Typhoon Track 预报小概率台风路径的一个外推公式
On the basis of new neutron multiplication formula, a new formula to calculate the extrapolation criticality was obtained. The practical calculation shows that the new formula is more accurate and secure than traditional ones. 文中根据新的中子倍增公式导出了外推临界计算的新公式,实例计算表明,该公式比传统的外推临界公式精确且偏安全。
An extrapolation formula based on past equipment cabin acoustic noise test is presented. 文中还提出基于噪声试验的试验外推预示公式;
However, the application of the finite difference method ( FDM) and its error are discussed, and the improved extrapolation formula is derived in this paper. 本文着重讨论用有限差分法求解雷诺方程及求解时的误差分析,并导出外推改进公式。
In the analysis, the error estimate for the fundamental differential equation has been made and h~ 2-extrapolation formula for its salution has also been derived. The results from the extrapolation formula are quite close to those from other current methods. 在分析中,对基本方程进行了误差估算,并推导了h~2&外插公式,所得结果和现有的几个方法比较接近,说明在工程中使用是可行的。
An improvement of extrapolation formula 外推法公式改进
This paper presents an extrapolation formula that considers the move acceleration of typhoon centre. 本文提出一个考虑到台风中心移动加速度的外推公式。
The technique builds the sound field separation formula in wave number domain according to the wave field extrapolation theorem, and the sound pressure caused by sources on one side of holographic plane can be obtained as expected by taking two-dimensional Fourier transform of the formula. 本文提出的声场分离技术利用波场的外推理论,建立起在波数域声场分离的公式,然后通过二维Fourier逆变换,便得到了全息面一侧声源产生的声压,从而达到声场分离的目的。
Owing to the limitation of stability the time, calculations by the extrapolation criticality formula derived from the traditional neutron multiplication formula are often lager than the practical values. 因稳定时间受限,传统的倍增公式导出的外推临界公式计算结果大于实测值,偏危险;
The problem is discussed by means of the weak approximation method and the fractional steps extrapolation, involving a formula of finite difference splitting scheme. 用小数步长延拓及弱近似方法对问题进行了讨论。
At last, the theory of near-to-far field transformation is introduced followed by the extrapolation formula of time-harmonic field in three-dimensional. 3. 最后介绍了电磁场近远场的外推原理以及在三维情况下时谐场的外推计算公式。